
Self Development and Improvement in a Simple way

Each one of us wants to develop himself ,improve his/her life path ,before we discuss that ,we must know the real meaning of self improvement and development  Self development and improvement : On-going process , It is about investing in yourself,its either developing existing skills or exploring new self potential in order to level up in life in specific or all aspects ,in order to get a richer life ,healthy relationships ,respect and many other rewards. The most important thing in the process is the time respect ,be a do-er ,get it now  So let us know how this process works : Self Knowledge (self -Awareness) : The first and Most critical step ,we need to be honest and focused ,what we really love ? do you love your job ? and if you do ,do you have the suitable skills ?  don't know how to start here is some tips ,ask you close friends to list your talents (5 as example) ,get back to the old times when you were a kid ,what was your ...
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